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Conversation The funniest jokes

A: Hey ….. Nice to see you.

B: Hi …. How are you. You seem to be OK, you are smiling.

A: Well, I will tell you why. I have just been to an amazing jokes contest.

B: A jokes contest? What is that alla bout?

A: Isn’t it obvious? It is a competition in which people tell jokes.

B: Wow, that must bet he best competition ever!

A: It sure is.

B: But how do they decide which is the best joke? Is there a jury or something like that?

A: No they have some kind of machine that measures the volume of the laughter.

B: That’s a good idea. And what jokes did you like most?

A: This one was quite nice:

Mother: "How was school today, Patrick?"
Patrick: "It was really great mum! Today we made explosives!"
Mother: "Ooh, they do very fancy stuff with you these days. And what will you do at school tomorrow?"
Patrick: "What school?"

B: Haha, yes that’s kind of witty. Were there more really funny jokes ?

A: Oh yes, lots! Like this one:

Patient: Oh doctor, I’m just so nervous. This is my first operation.
Doctor: Don't worry. Mine too.

B: Well it’s a rib tickler, but not hilarious. Tell me one more.

A: OK This one is rather funny:

A naked women robbed a bank. Nobody could remember her face.

B: Hahaha. I will tell you one now.

Judge: “Why did you steal the car?” 
Man: “I had to get to work.”
 Judge: “Why didn’t you take the bus?”
Man: I don’t have a driver’s license for the bus.

A: Yay! Nice one too. Keeps my smile on my face :)

B: And on mine too! See you later :)

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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