conv houses around the world | pgenglish-year3
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A: Hello, could I ask you a few questions please?

B: What about?

A: I am doing a project for school about different houses.

B: OK I understand. Go ahead.

A: In what kind of house do you live?

B: I live in a regular house.

A: What is your house made of?

B: My house is made of bricks and concrete.

A: For how long have you lived there?

B: I have already lived there for 25 years and I still love it!

A: What kind of houses do you think people lived in thousands of years ago?

B: I think people lived in caves at that time.

A: How did people make them?

B: People didn’t make them, they were already there.

A: What do you think is the most extreme house you have ever seen?

B: I think that was the upside down house, oh no the teacup house!

A: And what is the most beautiful house you have ever seen?

B: I once saw a house in the shape of a shoe. I loved that!

A: What was that house made of?

B: Well, I haven’t got a clue. I think something like concrete.

A: Would you like to live in a house which is made of wood?

B: NO, I wouldn’t like to live there. But I used to play in one like that.

A: What do you mean?

B: When I was a kid, my dad built me a tree house. Me and my brothers and sisters loved it!

A: Did you know that some people live in tree houses?

B: No, I didn’t? Where’s that then?

A: In the Philippines there are tribes that live in tree houses because there are so many floods there.

B: Sensible people there! Well, good bye

A: Thank you very much! Bye


Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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