conv LONELY | pgenglish-year3
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Conversation Lonely


James is having a rather complicated conversation with his best friend Liza about their personal lives.


L              Hey James! I was so relieved that you suddenly called me for coffee, but I thought we’d hang                     out at your parents’ restaurant instead of this café.

J              No!  I mean, I just needed some space and good company. What would you like to drink?

L              (softly) A tea..

J              What? I could barely hear you. Did you say coffee?

L              I said TEA! It’s better for my waist than my regular chocolate milk. I’m concerned about my                      weight.

J              (Comes back) Why? Do all women have this in common? My mom … (pause)

L              What happened?

J              I am not sure, still quite confused. My mom is obviously not well. She is looking pale and she's                 obviously in a lot of pain.  My eyes well up with tears when she rushes past me during service                 in the restaurant. Why did she need to go back to work?

L              I can imagine that this is the hardest to watch, but can you imagine how she felt during                            treatment? She must have felt so lonely. She was used to being and working with you and                         your dad the whole day, and when she fell ill she had to stay in a bed all day.

J              hmmpf (shrugs + shakes head)

L             Don’t shrug or shake your head please. I know that it is difficult to see your mom swinging                        between good and bad health.

J              It is very difficult to be honest. What can I do to make her feel better?

L              Hmm.. Let me think..

J              I just want her to retreat for a while, relax and feel comfortable. Heal up more.

L              That is such a good idea to start with!

J              But what can I do. When I get my salary, I blink and it’s spent.

L             Don’t worry I have a good idea that might not even cost you much if your dad is willing to help.

J              What are you thinking of? I can’t stay up today because I meet my homeroom teacher early in                 the morning.

L             My idea can be done whenever you want to. You’ll cook her a delicious dinner, if your dad                         helps with ingredients, and by doing that you can indicate how much she means to you. I                         sense that she needs that now most. Set her down in the courtyard and finish it off by                               hugging her tightly.

J              That’s amazing! I’ll go ask my dad immediately, thank you so much! I’ll call you soon.

L              Okay, Bye.

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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