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conversation Mean Machines

F          Hey Sheila, is that you? How are you!

S          Oh… Francine! Didn’t notice you there… errm... yeah I’m fine.

F          Fancy meeting you here!

S          Yeah, I just got back from studying abroad. It isreally nice to get back in contact with                                   everyone. How are you, and how is your sister? According to Liam she is being bullied online.

F          Yeah unfortunately she is someone is anonymously spreading nasty remarks about her because             she’s adopted from Asia.

S          Wow, really?! I can’t believe that there are still people that bully others for looking different than               they do. To humiliate someone for something she has no influence on is just stupid.

F          What frustrates me more are the people that just stand by as it happens. Even if you are not an               adult you should guard those in need from threats and hurtful comments. Everyone is brave in               front of a screen, but hardly anyone offers a helping hand.
            I wish I could discover who is responsible for it, so I can tell them to stop.

S          What is the recommended approach to take a stand against the bullying?

F          They say that we should ignore the mean text messages, create a safe space in the community                 and make sure to delete rude people from her contact list.

S          I’m sorry your sister is going through such a humiliating experience. Maybe she can go to a                       seminar for kids who were bullied. Maybe she will find a buddy there that can offer her some                   nice company.

F          Wow, yeah. That sounds like such a good idea. I hadn’t thought about it yet. Unfortunately so                   many people get bullied that it is starting to seem like common practice nowadays.

S          That is true! It’s like they swapped out their etiquette for ignorance.

F          hahahaha. Luckily not all apples are rotten. There are some who still look after others in their                   community.

S          That’s the way it ought to be.

F          It was so nice talking to you!

S          To you too, say hi to your family and good luck with your sister.

F          Thanks I’ll tell her. Have a good day, and we’ll talk soon.

S          Bye!

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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