conv music=life | pgenglish-year3
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conversation music = life

A: Hello, good to see you. Super of you to visit my show.

B: Good morning, how are you?

A: I am fine, thanks. I have got a few questions for you.

B: Well, that’s what I came here for, so go ahead.

A: Could you please tell me why music is so important to people?

B: You are using the word important, I would use the word vital.

A: Why the word vital?

B: Because life without music is unimaginable.

A: What does music do for people?

B: Music is a connecting factor between people. Whenever we  come together for any reason,       music is there. Think of weddings, funerals, a romantic dinner and on many more occasions.

A: But how does it connect people, because on those occasions people are already connected.

B: You are right. Imagine going somewhere on your own. You come in and there is only silence.     How do you feel? Now imagine the identical scene and there is music. Do you feel the                 difference. It is easier to start talking to someone when there’s music. 

A: A few days ago I was in a bus and the person next to me started singing. It made me feel           happy and we started talking.

B: Have you ever seen that video of an underground in Denmark where people join playing            instruments in a flash mob. It makes some people cry, as it did me.

A: So music makes people happy. Or sad?

B: Of course it can also make you sad. When one of your loved ones has gone away and you          are grieving. Then you hear a song or music that connected you, you feel sad. But you can          also look upon that as helping you to grieve, which is a necessary factor to keep going.

A: I think you have a point there. Right: time for the next song on the show. Thank you very             much for this interview.

B: You are welcome.


Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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