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Conversation Out of line online

A conversation between a teacher and a student

T: How much time do you spend on the Internet?

S: I am afraid I spend far too much time on the internet.

T: Well, how many hours a day?

S: I think I spend 4 hours chatting and another 4 hours of online gaming.

T: And when do you do your homework?

S: To be honest I only do homework in the lessons when we have got some time left.

T: So you don’t work for school at home?

S: No, not really.

T: That explains your marks. But I do have to compliment you because they are bad, but not            disastrous. How did you manage to do that?

S: That’s only because I decided some time ago that since I never do any work at home I might        as well pay attention during the lessons. I suppose that has saved me until now.

T: Yes, I think so too. About 70 % of what you learn, you pick up in class, both by the teachers’          explanation and the time you get to do exercises. But you have to keep in mind that you              might fail at the end of the year if one or two marks get worse.

S: I really don’t want to fail because school takes one more year then. What do you suggest I            could do. And don’t tell me to work at home, because I won’t.

T: Well, I’ve got an idea. If you are prepared to stay in school for half an hour after school from        Mondays to Thursdays that might be enough to keep you from failing. I could offer you to            come and work in my classroom after school, but of course you can also go to the library.            What do you think about this?

S: That might be the best idea ever. But then I’d better come and sit in your room every                    afternoon, because when I say that I will go to the library every day, there is nobody to check     on me and I think I would just go home after a few days.

T: That’s good thinking. I am glad that you are able to reflect so well on yourself. You can be            proud of yourself and ever prouder if you make it to the next and final year. And beyond!            What would you want to do after having passed the exams?

S: Duh, what do you reckon J

T: Oh yes, stupid question ‘Mr. Jobs’.

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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