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conversation solar power

A: Hi ……, how are you?

B: I am great. And you?

A: I am extremely excited today.

B: Why is that so? What is going on?

A: Well, have you ever heard of these university students who get chosen to build a vehicle driving on solar power?

B: Yes, I have heard of that. Are you going to be one of them?

A: No, I am not. I am not technolgically educated enough for that. That is such a shame ….

B: So you are not chosen and are still overly excited. I think I don’t get it.

A: Oh, sorry. Of course you don’t get it. I am making quite a chaos of things, am I not?  Well, besides of the fact that other kids are chosen for designing the vehicle and others are asked to build it, there are also students who can drive that car.

B: No, are you telling me what I think you are telling me?

A: I think so J

B: Are you going to drive that car? Is that just for the practising rides?

A: It is, but if I am good enough, I will be one of the students driving in the actual race.

B: Do you mean the one in Australia?

A: Yes! The one in Darwin. But we will have to wait until 2019.

B: But the last one was last year in 2017. I remember that because the students of the University of Eindhoven won the cruiser race.

A: Yes, I know. The students of the University of Delft won the challenger race. The Dutch are really good at this, They win all races.

B: Well, it doesn’t matter if you win. Getting the opportunity to participate in such an event is incredibly amazing. Do yoy think I can come ans watch some time?

A: No, I am sorry. No spectators allowed. But I will tell you all about it when we meet.

B: That would be awesome, thanks.

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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