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Conversation Consumer Society

A: Hi Jan, glad you could come.

B: Hi Max, why such a hurry?

A: Because I have such an exciting idea for the project on consumer society at school!

B: You mean the project which we have already designed ? J

A: Yes. The project we came up with about cleaning the beach was a good idea, but now I have a better one.

B: Okaaayyyyy. Tell me all about it. It has to be really better than the one we have already spent a few hours on to convince me.

A: Well, the idea of cleaning the beach was well designed as it was, but my new idea has more connections with the school itself. And as it is a school assignment that might provide us with a higher mark which I desperately need as you know.

B: As do I! So now you got me curious enough. Tell me!

A: You know what one of the pests at school is for everybody, the students, the teachers, the Head and especially the cleaners?

B: No, I honestly don’t know.

A: Chewing gum!

B: Chewing gum????

A: Yes, chewing gum. What do you usually do with the gum that you don’t like any more before you go into the school building? And don’t say that you throw it in the bin, because you don’t. Be honest.

B: I spit it out.

A: Where? Come on. Out with it.

B: Ehhh, where ever I am at that moment. I spit it on the pavement or the school’s grounds. Sometimes even inside school in the hallways. Or under the tables.

A: Ughh, that’s dirty. But I am no angel and do the very same thing.  So this is what the project is about. We are going to be conservers of the environment.

B: Come again?

A: I have this idea. We are going to make some sort of shape of chicken wire near the entrance of school attached to something that holds it like a statue. We shape the wire into something like a skate boarder or something you like. Then everybody can stck their chewing gum onto the figure of wire. Every day. And after some time the wire will be covered in all colours of gum and it will be a fantastic statue.

B: Wow, I didn’t think you had this in you! Let’s do it!! Where ever did you get this idea from?

A: The magic work=ld of the internet, my boy :)  Here are 2 pictures I found

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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