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give off: 

Produce smoke, smell, etc.
I like the color of those flowers but they do give off a strange smell.


give in: Admit defeat.
I give in! This crossword puzzle is too difficult.


give in: To give something to someone, usually in authority.
I found a set of keys and gave them in to the police.
After the students had finished their exams, they gave them in.


give away: Present to someone free of charge.
He gave away all his kittens as he didn't have space for them.


give away:Allow a secret/hiding place, etc to be known.
He spoke too freely and gave away the thieves' hiding place.


give up: Stop doing something.
I gave up trying to convince her to buy the dress as she was interested in a skirt.
I gave up drinking whiskey on my doctor's advice.

give up: Sell something because of poverty.
I had to give up my house in the country after my uncle died.


give out: Strength, supplies which become used up.
His strength gave out when the fourth man climbed on his back.

give out: Distribute.
Mark, give these papers out to the other students.


Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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