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Look Out: Be careful.
Look out! There's a policeman coming!


Look Into: Investigate.
The police are looking into a suspicious incident last night.


Look After: Take care of.
Nurses look after patients in hospital.


Look Forward: Think with anticipation about something in the future.
I'm looking forward to seeing my old friend again. I haven't seen her for nearly five years.


Look Up To: Show great admiration for someone, usually older, more senior.
He looks up to his mother and follows every bit of advice she gives him.


Look Up: Search for information.
Look up his phone number in the directory.

Look Up: Find a person a visit them.
If I come to New York next month, I will look you up.


Look For: Search for something you have lost.
Help me. I am looking for my umbrella and I can't remember where I put it.​


Look On: Watch as a spectator.
The firemen tackled the blaze while the crowd looked on.


Look Ahead: Think about the future.
I'm looking ahead to a time when we will travel around in personal flying machines.

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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