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Phrasal verb TAKE

Take Aback: Be surprised.

I was taken aback by her impolite attitude.


Take After: Resemble somebody else's character.

He takes after his father - both equally miserly.


Take Back: Bring faulty goods back to a shop.

I have to take that radio back and get my money back.


Take Back:  Withdraw a criticism, remark, insult, etc.

Look, I take back everything I said. I was drunk.


Take Down: Write something, take notes.

Here is his phone number, take it down.


Take In: Allow someone to live in your house.

When I saw the flat she was living in, I agreed to take her in for a month or so.


Take In: Understand, digest information.

I wasn't listening very well and didn't take very much in. Can you repeat it please?


Take Off: Leave the ground.

The plane couldn't take off due to high winds.


Take Off: Remove something from a list, menu, TV schedule.

The TV company decided to take off the program that had caused so many complaints.


Take On: Employ.

We need to take on at least three more people for the Christmas period.


Take On: Accept new responsibilities.

I feel ready to take on more now that my children have left home.


Take Out: Go out with

I hear he is taking out his secretary now. People will gossip!


Take Out: Extract.

The dentist took out three of my wisdom teeth.


Take Out: Show anger by treating someone badly.

Don't take out your frustration at losing your job on me!!


Take Over: Take control of.

IBM has taken over the small software company Hi-Tec Plc.


Take Over:  Accept responsibility, job from someone else.

Gina has taken over Jane's advertising office.


Take Through: Explain, guide someone through something difficult.

Don't worry about your first day at work. I will take you through it.


Take Up: Start a new hobby.

He has taken up stamp-collecting to try and relax a little.


Take Up:  Discuss.

There's an important thing I would like to take up with you.


Take Up:  Occupy time.

We took up so long discussing the new company logo.

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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