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Phrasal verb TURN

Turn Down: Reject, refuse to accept.
They turned down my book saying it was too long.

Turn Down: Reduce volume.
Turn down that music. We are trying to sleep here!


Turn In: Go to bed. 
I am so tired, I think I will turn in.

Turn In: Give someone over to the police.
The murderer was turned in by his brother.


Turn Into: Become.
That nice pub has turned into a horrible theme restaurant.


Turn Off: Leave a road.
You have to turn off at the next junction.

Turn Off:  Make a person lose interest, appetite.
Men who swear really turn me off.

Turn Off: Use a switch, dial, button to stop a machine.
Turn off the light if you are leaving the kitchen.


Turn On: Start a machine.
Let's turn on the TV and watch that film.


Turn On: Cause pleasure, excitement in somebody.
This song really turns me on.


Turn On: Attack.
The dog turned on him and bit him.


Turn Out: Happen.
It turns out that my brother and his wife are getting a divorce.
The weather turned out really nice today.


Turn Out: Empty.
Turn out your pockets and put everything on the table please.


Turn Over: Give control, possession to somebody else.
He turned over the small business to a local businessman..


Turn To: Become, be changed.
Water turns to ice when the temperature is below 0ºC.


Turn To: Go to someone for support, money, help.
If my wife leaves me, who can I turn to for help?


Turn Up: Appear, arrive.
My key turned up under the bed.
What time will John be turning up?

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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