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Phrasal verb BREAK

Break Down: When something mechanical stops working.
My car broke down and I had to walk ten miles to the nearest phone box.

Break Down: Become very sad.
When she heard of her father's sudden death, she broke down.


Break In: Enter without permission, trespass
The thieves broke in while the guard dog was sleeping.


Break Off: To stop talking
He broke off in the middle of a sentence to answer the phone.

Break Off: Stop negotiations, an engagement.
She broke off the engagement when she found out he was racist.
The government broke off all peace negotiations after the bomb.


Break Out: To Start Suddenly (esp. disease, war)
War broke out after the president was assassinated.
Poor health facilities means disease is certain to break out.

Break Out: Escape
The prisoners broke out of the prison when then was a power cut.

Break Out: To suddenly become covered in spots, etc.
She broke out in a terrible rash after eating the mushrooms she had picked in her garden.


Break Up

End a relationship.
They didn't love each other any more and so they broke up.


Break Something Up: Destroy
We can break up this chair to use on the campfire.

Break Something Up: Destroy a friendship/relationship.
He broke up their friendship when he told all those lies.


Break Something Up: Divided into pieces.
The land was broken up into three large areas, one for each brother.


Break With Something: Go against, break connection with.
Let's break with tradition and go on vacation this Christmas. I don't want to stay at home again.

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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