Story time Two girls | pgenglish-year3
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Two girls

Life is full of surprises. We never know what may be thrown at us. There are good days and bad days. Then there are moments that we hope could last forever, and then there are moments that we wish could end sooner. Sometimes, life takes us aback with surprises that we are not equipped to deal with, whether good or bad. But we are never really alone in these times. During such times we need to remind ourselves that God is watching us through it all. He never leaves us alone and makes sure we are taken care of. God has given each one of us a loving family to support us through it all. However, some may not be so lucky. After all, children do end up in orphanages without having blood-related family. But we should always remember that family does not always mean the people we were born to or the people we are related to by blood. Sometimes, our family is the people that choose us, the people that we choose.

Knowing and accepting this can take us a long way in life, and save us a lot of problems and heartache. A couple in Weldon Spring, Missouri, in what could be the most shocking moment of their life, found that their adopted Chinese daughter is living proof of the saying “Blood is thicker than water”.

James and Staci Maneage are a sweet and kind couple who have been married for twenty three long years. But their happy marriage has had its fair share of problems too. They were unable to have kids in the early stages of their relationship, even though they badly wanted to have children. James promised his wife, Staci that they would one day adopt a kid if they were not able to have kids of their own. But miraculously, as if by divine intervention, Staci was able to conceive. She gave birth to three healthy and beautiful sons – Matthew, Kyle and Andrew.

Her dreams finally came true when she got in touch with an adoption agency in China. 2010 seemed to start on a positive note for the family. In January, Staci got the call she had been waiting for. A caseworker informed her that there was a 10-year-old Hakka girl, who was in need of a new family, and a loving and safe home. 

The caseworker also told Staci that the orphan girl, whose name was Elliana, suffered from a brain disorder. But instead of the girl’s condition getting in the way of adoption, it made the couple even more determined to give Elliana a new and loving family to care for her. So they went all the way to China to bring their new daughter home. Elliana, on reaching the United States, had to take frequent trips to the hospital for treatment. But the joy of finally having a loving new family kept her strong and happy. Even James and Staci’s sons were all very welcoming and accepting. They treated Elliana like their own sister, accompanying her to the hospital and helping to care for her.

More than one family for Elliana: Around the same time, another couple, Paige and Steve Galbierz, who also resided in Weldon Spring had also adopted a little girl from China. The two couples had no idea about what the other was doing; neither of them was aware of the other’s adoption.  Paige and Steve had also adopted a 7-year-old girl, named Kinley from China, who, like Elliana had a brain disorder. She too was thrilled to have a new family, including the Galbierz’s adopted son. The two families attended the same church and lived only three minutes away from each other. This made it very easy for the two little girls, Elliana and Kinley to soon become the best of friends.

They blended so well with each other that they became as close as two sisters. The parents soon noticed how close the girls were, and were surprised that they were extremely similar not only in looks but behavior as well. Even though they were from two completely separate cities in China, their parents could not stop wondering if they were related somehow. They initially pushed the thought aside, knowing that this was highly unlikely given the huge Chinese population of 1.4 billion. Plus, it just sounded too good to be true.

The shocking result: The Meneages finally could not bear the suspense anymore. They decided that they had to know if the two girls were somehow related, and a DNA test would be the solution. They approached Paige and Steve Galbierz, asking them if they would be willing to have Kinley’s DNA tested too. Kinley’s parents were a bit doubtful and skeptical initially, but they gave in, saying that there was no harm in knowing.

Elliana and Kinley went for their DNA test, and when the results came out, both families were completely taken aback. They were shocked to learn that the two girls had 99.9 percent chance of being sisters! The Meneages and Galbierzes could not believe it was true, but the evidence was right in front of their eyes. Despite not being born in the same city, and having taken two completely different paths in life, the two sisters were together again. Maybe it was just chance or coincidence. Maybe it was fate and the two girls were destined to meet again. Whatever it was, it led to a happy ending, and Elliana and Kinley ended up having more than one loving family.

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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