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Unit 2

Lesson 3

Do you know what happens with muscles that you never use? Exactly, they get weak and do not work anymore. This is precisely what happens to your brain if you don’t use it. Why? Simple answer: your brain is like a muscle.

Alright, it is not very difficult to imagine how we train our muscles. Just look at how many gyms there are. The place to train our muscles to keep fit. The place to get the most wanted six-pack, and I am not talking about the six pack in the refrigerator.

Next question is of course if we can train our brain in the same way? Well, yes and no. Training of the brain cannot be done by running around or weightlifting. The brain is trained by using it. So you cannot go to the gym to train your brain. The gym for the brain is called a school :).

There are lots of ways to improve your memory:


  • Your brain needs lots of oxygen, so make sure you get enough fresh air when you have to use your brain.


  • Don’t study for too long at a time: it’s more efficient to study something 3 times for a short time than 1 time very long.


  • Make pictures in your head of the things you want to remember.


  • Make a story of the things that you have to remember.


  • Go to sleep after you have studied, because the memory also works when we are sleeping.



  • Tell someone what you have to remember. When you need the information, think about what you have told that person.



  • Use your own way of learning, some people remember things best when they have written it down and others have to read things out loud. You could also make a drawing or a song with the information that you want to remember.

Just a few tips, you never know when they come in handy  :)

Pieter Groen

    Year 3

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